Here, you can find my Curriculum Vitae (CV), as well as a shorter version of the CV’s information as part of a resume for download. Please feel free to contact me over email or through social media channels.

Email ︎︎︎
Resume ︎︎︎

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Here, you can find my Curriculum Vitae (CV), as well as a shorter version in the form of a resume (if that makes things easier for you) for download. Please feel over free to contact me email or through social media channels.

This is Curriculum Vitae updated on October 12, 2023. If you are looking for a pdf copy, you can download it following this link. For a resume version, please follow this link.

Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar

Email: | Website: LinkedIn: @cuellarpedro | Twitter: @pecuellar


Doctor of Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joint MIT Media Lab and MIT Art, Culture & Technology
Advisors: Prof. Danielle Wood and Prof. Azra Akšamija
Thesis: Contesting Design: Ancestral Technology as Portal to Post-Design(s)
MS in Media, Arts and Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Personal Robots Group
Advisor: Prof Cynthia Breazeal
Thesis: The role of social robots in fostering human empathy: a cross-cultural exploration
BA in Arts & Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Linguistics and Indigenous Languages Field Research
Advisor: Prof. Roberto Perry
Thesis: Voice Onset Timing in Voiceless Plosive Consonants in Bogotá’s Spanish: An Instrumental Approximation

Research Experience

Research Assistant
MIT Media Lab, Space Enabled Group| MIT ACT, Future Heritage Lab

Designed and deployed ethnographic studies on rural technology. Worked on the interface design of a rural technology documentation platform. Developed graduate courses on participatory technology design in rural Colombia.
Research Assistant
MIT Media Lab, Center for Civic Media
Developed a novel framework for longitudinal mixed-method analysis of the benefits of community-based technology co-design experiences. Designed and implemented ethnographic studies on participatory design of low-cost technology.
Research Assistant
MIT Media Lab, Personal Robots Group

Designed Human-Robot systems, experiments and evaluation methods for a cross-cultural explo- ration of the impact of interacting with embodied robotic agents on children’s empathy levels.



A Co-Design Experience: Technologies for Rural Sustainability in Colombia (Spring), MIT Media Lab
Sustainable Engineering with Social Impact (Summer School), Universidad de Los Andes
A Co-Design Experience: Technology Design for Coffee Production (Winter), MIT Media Lab
D-Lab: Education (Spring), MIT D-Lab
D-Lab: Waste (Fall), MIT D-Lab
D-Lab Independent projects (Spring), MIT D-Lab
D-Lab: Waste (Fall), MIT D-Lab
D-Lab: Education (Spring), MIT D-Lab

Teaching Assistant

Technology & Social Change, MIT Media Lab

Work Experience

Co-Founder & Creative Director
Help lead the design of an open data, local innovation digital platform. Spearheaded multiple research and design projects on rural technology infrastructure in areas like agriculture and conservation. Collaborate in the design of rural design education programs.
Design Researcher & Lecturer
MIT D-Lab.

Designed and implemented several community-based research studies to determine low-cost technology infrastructure development. Managed a multi-year partnership with UTEC university in Peru focused on local materials research for housing insulation in the Andean highland. Developed participatory design methods and taught graduate and undergraduate courses to support the development of low-cost technology for poverty alleviation.
Country Manager & Head of Learning 
One Laptop per Child.
Designed and implemented the One Laptop per Child project as a national policy in Rwanda. Advised the Ministry of Education of Rwanda on policy design, logistics, technical support and curriculum development of this countrywide, 300,000 laptop computers project.


Fellow, MIT Morningside Academy for Design
Committee Chair, ACM SIGCHI Latin America Committee
Visiting Scholar, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Colombia

Selected Fellowships and Awards

Priscilla King Gray Public Service Center Fellowship
Visiting Scholar, University of Auckland
MIT Open Data Prize
Harold Horowitz Student Research Fellowship
MIT Morningside Academy for Design Fellowship
Honorable Mention, Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing (CSCW) (top 4%)
MIT Unsung Hero Award
MIT SOLVE Competition Winner
MIT DesignX Fellowship
MIT Assistive Technologies Hackathon. Second Place

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Conference papers

Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Wong-Villacres, M., Badillo-Urquiola, K., Barrera Machuca, M. D., Cibrian, F. L., Ciolfi Felice, M., ... & Lemus, O. A. (2023). Para Cima y Pa’Abajo: Building Bridges Between HCI Research in Latin America and in the Global North. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., & Salazar-Gómez, A. F. (2023). Nature-Robot Interaction. In Companion of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction.

Ogan, A., van Amstel, F., León, G. M., Maestre, J. F., Williams, K., Bidwell, N. J., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Savage, S., Oswal, S., & Sharma, V. (2023). Why Do We Need to Learn about Citational Practices? Recognizing Knowledge Production from the Global Souths and Beyond. XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students, 29(3), 12–17.
Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Grisales, C., Wong-Villacrés, M., Serpa, B., Goñi, J. I., & Lemus, O. A. (2022, August). Reviews Gone South: A Subversive Experiment on Participatory Design Canons: Dedicated to the Memory of Oscar A. Lemus. In Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2022-Volume 1.

Gómez-Hoyos, D. A., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Ghilardi-Lopes, N. P., Arboleda Castrillón, T., Costa, I. A., Torres, D., & Picado Barboza, J. (2022). Guía de recomendaciones para promover procesos de investigación participativa con investigadores convencionales. V1.0. Fundación Karisma.
Alves-Oliveira, P., Lupetti, M. L., Luria, M., Löffler, D., Gamboa, M., Albaugh, L., Kamino, W., K. Ostrowski, A., Puljiz, D., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Scheunemann, M., Suguitan, M., & Lockton, D. (2021). Collection of Metaphors for Human-Robot Interaction. Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021, 1366–1379.
Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., & Delgado Ramos, D. (2020, June). Community-based technology co-design: insights on participation, and the value of the “co”. In Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020-Participation (s) Otherwise-Volume 1 .

Reynolds-Cuéllar, P. & Chong Lu Ming, R. (2020). Coffee Farms as Design Labs: Manifesting Equity x Design Principles in Practice. Design Research Society Conference 2020.

Palacin, V., Nelimarkka, M., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., & Becker, C. (2020). The Design of Pseudo-Participation. Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020 - Participation(s) Otherwise - Volume 2, 40–44.

Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Villamil-Mejia, A., & Bello, A. F. (2020). Coffee and Engineering Education: Lessons from an Engineering Course on Technology for Coffee Production. 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1–5.
Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., & Breazeal, C. (2017). Emotional Robocoaster: An Exploration on Emotions, Research Methods and Introspection. Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 561–567.

Journal articles

Grisales-Bohórquez, C., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Muñoz Martinez, G. I., & Sicard Currea, A. (2022). Participation reimagined: Co-design of the self through territory, memory, and dignity. CoDesign, 18(1), 78–94.

Andía, D., Charca, S., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., & Noel, J. (2022). Community-oriented engineering co-design: Case studies from the Peruvian Highlands. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1), 311.

The Citational Justice Collective, Ahmed, S. I., Amrute, S., Bardzell, J., Bardzell, S., Bidwell, N., Dillahunt, T., Gaytán, S., Karusala, N., Kumar, N., Guzmán, R. L., Mustafa, M., Nardi, B., Nathan, L., Parvin, N., Patin, B., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., … Wong-Villacrés, M. (2022). Citational justice and the politics of knowledge production. Interactions, 29(5), 78–82.

Wong-Villacres, M., Erete, S., Gautam, A., Ismail, A., Kumar, N., Pei, L., Roldan, W., Ahumada-Newhart, V., Badillo-Urquiola, K., Hernandez, J. M., Poon, A., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., & Motti, V. G. (2022). Elevating strengths and capacities: The different shades of assets-based design in HCI. Interactions, 29(5), 28–33.
Leal, D. de C., Krüger, M., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Caicedo, A., Gómez, C., Randall, D., & Wulf, V. (2021). Growing Together, Remaining Apart: The Role of Digital Technology in Former Guerrilla Fighters’ Social Capital. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW2), 331:1-331:24.

Wong-Villacres, M., Garcia, A. A., Badillo-Urquiola, K., Machuca, M. D. B., Felice, M. C., Gaytán-Lugo, L. S., Lemus, O. A., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., & Perusquía-Hernández, M. (2021). Lessons from Latin America: Embracing horizontality to reconstruct HCI as a pluriverse. Interactions, 28(2), 56–63.
Guzmán, S. B., & Reynolds-Cuéllar, P. (2018). Achieving Grassroots Innovation through Multi-Lateral Collaborations: Evidence from the Field. Journal of Peer Production, 12, 14.

Book Chapters

Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Asoyarcocha, M., Matabonchoy, L., Yenny De La Cruz, Y., Hidalgo, C., & Bonilla, O. (2024). Investigative Mingas. In R. B. Egenhoefer, Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Design (2nd ed., pp. 572–586). Routledge.
Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Hanna, Ruth E., Carter, & Ki-Jana. (2023). Organizing from the Belly of the Academic Industrial Complex. Organize the Lab: Theory and Practice. Science for the People. ISBN 979-8-9869661-0-6
Smith, A., Linder, B., Landua Thabiso, B. M., Tien, D., de Castro Leal, D., & Reynolds Cuéllar, P. (2021). Beyond the Classroom: The (Ongoing) IDDS Journey in Community-Engaged Design. In Engenharias e outras práticas técnicas engajadas (Vol. 2, pp. 389–432). Editora da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba.
Reynolds-Cuéllar, P. (2018). Artesanos, makers y centros de innovación en Colombia. In Jóvenes, transformación digital y formas de inclusión en América Latina. Penguin Random House.


Barendregt, W., Becker, C., Cheon, E., Clement, A., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Schuler, D., & Suchman, L. (2021). Defund Big Tech, Refund Community. Tech Otherwise.

Workshops, Extended Abstracts, and Special Interest Groups

Candello, H., Vivacqua, A. S., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Wong-Villacres, M., Gaytán-Lugo, L. S., & Alvarado Garcia, A. (2022). ‘SIGuiendo’ Each Other Steps. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, 1–3.

Huber, L., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Cheon, E., Krafft, P. M., Becker, C., Spitzberg, D., Gautam, A., Hughes, M., & Ahmed, A. A. (2022). Solidarity and Disruption Collective Organizing In Computing II. Companion Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 287–290.
Collective, C. J., de Castro Leal, D., Molina Leon, G., Maestre, J. F., Williams, K., Wong-Villacres, M., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P. Oswal, S. K., Cerratto Pargman, T., & Sharma, V. (2021). Citational Practices: Interrogating Hegemonic Knowledge Structures in Computing Research in Latin America. X Latin American Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 1–6.

Collective, C. J., Molina León, G., Kirabo, L., Wong-Villacres, M., Karusala, N., Kumar, N., Bidwell, N., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Borah, P. P., Garg, R., Oswal, S. K., Chuanromanee, T., & Sharma, V. (2021). Following the Trail of Citational Justice: Critically Examining Knowledge Production in HCI. Companion Publication of the 2021 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 360–363.

Alvarado Garcia, A., Maestre, J. F., Barcham, M., Iriarte, M., Wong-Villacres, M., Lemus, O. A., Dudani, P., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Wang, R., & Cerratto Pargman, T. (2021). Decolonial Pathways: Our Manifesto for a Decolonizing Agenda in HCI Research and Design. Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–9.

Cannanure, V. K., Gamage, D., Sturm, C., Winschiers-Theophilus, H., Maestre, J. F., Karusala, N., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., & Kumar, N. (2021). Decolonizing HCI Across Borders. Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–5.
Wong-Villacres, M., Alvarado Garcia, A., Maestre, J. F., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Candello, H., Iriarte, M., & DiSalvo, C. (2020). Decolonizing Learning Spaces for Sociotechnical Research and Design. Conference Companion Publication of the 2020 on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 519–526.

Saxena, D., Graeff, E., Guha, S., Cheon, E., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Walker, D., Becker, C., & Fleischmann, K. R. (2020). Collective Organizing and Social Responsibility at CSCW. Conference Companion Publication of the 2020 on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 503–509.

Becker, C., Light, A., Frauenberger, C., Walker, D., Palacin, V., Ahmed, S. I., Charlotte Smith, R., Reynolds Cuéllar, P., & Nemer, D. (2020). Computing Professionals for Social Responsibility: The Past, Present and Future Values of Participatory Design. Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020 - Participation(s) Otherwise - Volume 2, 181–184.
Haar Horowitz, A., Grover, I., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Breazeal, C., & Maes, P. (2018). Dormio: Interfacing with Dreams. Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–10.


Lee, C. H., Lockton, D., Verweij, D., Kirk, D., Rogage, K., Durrant, A., Ball, A., Desjardins, A., Horowitz, A. H., Grover, I., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Rosello, O., Vega, T., Jain, A., Breazeal, C., & Maes, P. (2018). Demo hour. Interactions, 25(6), 10–13.


Reynolds-Cuéllar, P. (2018). The role of social robots in fostering human empathy: A cross-cultural exploration [Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology].
Reynolds-Cuéllar, P (2007). El VOT Fonético de las Consonantes Oclusivas Sordas del Español Hablado en Bogotá: Aproximación Instrumental. [Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Colombia].

Essays and reports

Barendregt, W., Becker, C., Cheon, E., Clement, A., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Schuler, D., & Suchman, L. (2021). Defund Big Tech, Refund Community. Tech Otherwise.

Invited Talks

“Ancestral Technology as Portal to Post-Designs”. Design Graduate School. Universidad de Nariño. Colombia

“Industry Professionals: How to Advocate for Design Justice When You are Not in Charge”. In- vited roundtable with Dr. Caglar Yildirim, Lauryn McNair & Dr. Katlyn Turner. Design Justice Pedagogy Summit. Boston

“Contesting Design: Ancestral Technology as Portal to Post-Designs”. Participatory Design Conference (PDC) Doctoral Colloquium. . Virtual conference (August)
“Alteridad y activismos en los contenidos y las plataformas web”. Invited panel with Constanza Piña, Dra. Luz María Garay Cruz, Eduardo Martínez, & Dra. Jenny Teresita Guerra González.

“Innovación desde la ruralidad Colombiana”. Keynote. Innovation Day. Universidad del Rosario. Colombia

“Taming Big Tech, Exploring the Alternatives”. Invited panel with Prof. Lily Irani, Dr. Dawn Walker and Prof. Andrew Clement. Centre for Free Expression. Faculty of Communication & Design. Ryerson University
“Diversifying Diversity: Addressing Marginalized Global Communities through Design”. Invited Panel with Prof. Audrey G. Bennett, Prof. Kelsey Johnson, Prof. Kelly Murdoch-Kitt, Prof. Ye- lena McLane & Prof. Neeta Verma. College Art Association of America Annual Conference

“Local Innovation, Global Impact”. MIT Technology Review, Innovators Under 35 Latin America. Guatemala
“Creativity and Making in Education”. Fablearn Conference. USA

“Research, ICTs and Innovation in Schools”. Digital Education Summit, Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications. Colombia
“Viviendo con Robots en el Hogar”. Keynote. Andi Summit 2018 de Transformación Digital. Bogotá. Colombia


Spanish (native language), English (fluent), Italian (beginner), Portuguese (beginner)
Python, R, Processing, Git, Markdown, HTML/CSS, LATEX
Adobe Suite, Figma
Atlas.ti, Qualtrics, Dovetail


Institutional Service

ACM CSCW Student Volunteer Chair
ACM CHI Student Competition Jury
ACM CHI Conference Sustainability Committee
ACM UIST Conference Sustainability Committee
2020 MIT Campus Climate Committee
MIT Committee on Student Life

Peer Review

ACM CSCW, CHI | Taylor and Francis Co-Design Journal


Science for the People Magazine
Tech Otherwise 

Activism & Community Building

MIT-GSU (UE Local 256) Graduate Student Union Organizer

Event Organizing

Indigenous & Anticolonial Views of Human Activity in Space Seminar
MAS LatinX Festival
Colombian Conference
International Development Design Summits (Colombia)

Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar | 2023   ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎